Noun: the launching of a rocket under its own power.
Everything about is this package designed to get you sparkly and strong and all loaded up with nutrition dense food, knowledge, and confidence.
Loving accountability? Yes. Professional Guidance? Yup.
All the self-care and self massage gear you could ever desire? For sure!
Great mini-home gym? Provided! What?! Yes! All the needed tools included!
For long term success, we start with a three-month, 2 x week commitment. These three months work magic.
My experience shows that two times a week produces two major things:
Let's dig into changing your health with some hutzpah.
After this initial 3 month period, we start making adjustments. We can go down to once a week, or stay with biweekly.
Included in this package:
2 x week virtual sessions per week specifically designed for you, your lifestyle, your body, your commitments
Personalized strength and cardiovascular programming for our 3 getting-started months
For "off days"
Most of the time these are cardiovascular workouts, like biking, walking, running, or circuit training. This will include efforts and varied intensities.
Nutrition coaching:
A holistic, habits-based approach
Learning to set yourself up for success
Building kitchen skills and creating efficiency in your daily flow
Changing eating habits
Equipment: I really want you to feel like the master of your own universe. I supply my favorites and teach you how to use them.
You may have some fitness equipment already. I usually get everyone a foam roller, some mini balls for hands and feet, and then customize from there to what would benefit you. I provide, or loan 5, 8, or 10 pound weights, 10 or 20 pound Kettlebells, your strength will grow! So when you feel like you reached your goals, we decide what you need for the long term. I also like to include resistance bands, and/or mini-bands.
Cost: about $800 a month ($100 a visit for 8 sessions) some months have more than 8 visits, some have less.
Want to do pay for all 3 months at once? 10% off
This package is available for in person and virtual (connecting through Zoom) personal training.