

Noun: an instance of notable progress; making changes in the development of knowledge or skill

Everything about is this package is about getting to the source of your injury or prepping you for an event.  

  • Already know lots about your sport? This package is about partnership in your sport or passion, whether it's running, golf, or long distance hiking.

  • More gear? For sure! I want you to be able to address any painful areas or limiting factors in real time, so I will provide any tools necessary to do this so you can apply them when we are not together.

  • Big Event? I love to plan and prep for events. The journey is just as great as the event!

  • Tracking? You may already have a spreadsheet, journal, or app that tracks how you feel during workouts. If not, this analysis is key to refinement.

Included in this package:

  • 1-2 x a week virtual or in home personal training sessions per week specifically designed for you, and what your goal is.

  • Personalized strength and cardiovascular programming for our 3 getting-started months

    • For "off days"

    • This depends on your goal, and will be sport specific

  • Nutrition coaching:

    • You are already know some stuff here!

    • Are you getting sick often?

    • How is your energy?

    • How is your recovery?

    • We target nutrition density, sleep, meal prep, planning, and kitchen set-up.

  • Equipment: I really want you to feel like the master of your own universe. I supply my favorites and teach you how to use them

  • Cost: $125 a visit if 1 time a week, $99 a visit if twice a week.

  • This package is available for in person and virtual (connecting through Zoom) personal training.